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* Spiritual Healing *
One of my greatest present interests is the art of psychic and spiritual healing. My ideal is to be true to everyone including myself. To be true is even more important when using psychic powers.
my teachers:
After i have read
several books and a little practise, everyone around me can teach me
something and to learn in daily life is as important for human beings as
spiritual exercise. Just being open and attuning your soul to the highest will
unfold your psychic and spiritual abilities.
True healing comes from deep "within" (that means "the spirit", the divine spark that is experienced as mere consciousness). that is the reason why it is recommended to healers to 'let it be done' instead of doing it, lest their ego get involved into the other person's karma. That is also the reason why it always starts inside out, and must be started at the first point of creation, The Creator. We can only provide the tools to make healing possible. These can of course make up to 99% of the success. The final healing of course can only be the Divine Fulfilment.
Tools of psychic healing
One of the most common
tools these days is reiki, the big advantage is that it supports the idea of
letting it be done, and this way opens the ego up to spiritual planes that are
higher than what the person has experienced before. it is meditation in action.
(meditation should also be recognized as having an active as well as a
receptive aspect, each meditation should consist at least a little of both
There are as many ways
to give spiritual healings as are people in the universe, a properly placed
word at the right time can work wonders !
One of my favourite tools is Reiki, because it provides very pure, well defined channels, which seem to be supported by spiritual guides for mankind as a whole. A good book for the beginner is written by Diane Stein.
At this place I am going to post some of my experience with Herbal Healing. So far I can provide a few links: Leonie
Faye on Herbs
Millenium Plant:
- Depression (by Tom Johanson) - Fear -Low Self Esteem (list of general hints) - On tantric techniques Self Pity (by Marina Johnson/Auckland) The essentials of healing The Road to
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran |