When people feel lonely they have memories of past experiences to bring them through to the next horizon of their feelings. The feeling of loneliness can be overcome and sometimes is overstated. Someone who has been alone in their lives need not have that feeling of loneliness for they have the power of their mind to see people and places that are not physically there.
A person in the middle of a crowded room can feel a deep sense of loneliness for they lack the physical sense of touching the people around them. A person alone physically, does not necessarily feel lonely for they have the power within to overcome that sense of loneliness.
A person in a crowd can feel all-alone and go into a state of depression. A feeling that they do not belong with these people for they are not intune to the spiritual need of wanting to belong and feeling wanted. No one person can atone another persons feeling of loneliness for that is only done from deep within a person's mind.
Your life can and will be what you make it. Whether it be you standing on the threshold of a new beginning or taking the plunge and diving into that sea of prosperity and wanting, for the need is there for anyone who knows how to take it.
CIRCLES (1997)
Life is full of circles, one interlocking with another. When you finish one cycle another will begin. When the time is right you will begin your new journey.
With the passing of each new life there will be another challenge for you to experience. Take it in its stride and you will conquer all levels in spirituality.
something that everyone is
capable of attaining but to the extent that is only applicable to the individual.
Ones sense or even thought of integrity can differ from the next persons
for there is no measuring rod when it comes to a persons integrity that
is somehting between the soul aspect of ones being and the ego to sort
The start of the new world is closer by the minute. Time is of no importance in spirituality for the measure of time in the spiritual sense does not exist.
The time for change is now. When the time comes for the awakening it will happen. When the life of others depends on everyone elses things to do.... then we will show the way for you to go.
Do not doubt your teachings for they have come from beyond and you will manage it well. Do not let people lead you astray. Do not forsake your teachings for they were right from the start. Do not let anyone get in the way of your destiny for the time to go on is now. The people are coming back to be guided toward the light of spirituality.
The paths chosen by the few to lead by example is always the way of the future that many seem obsessed with.
Let go of all that was and start again with a clean slate. The mind as an object of obsession ceases to be and becomes the part of the one that has always been.
No future can be undone unless one chooses to undo it. Once the ability to control and set today is achieved then the future will no longer be, for the now is the essence of what is to come.
Live in the now and all will be shown. Live in the past and all will be lost. Let the future be whatever is meant to be. Let the past be where it always is. No crossovers for that is the key.
life you lead…
will of one…
joined and shared…
soon enough come…
what was seen…
what will be..
not the same…
was perceived…
ways of old…
way to go…
way of new…
now to view…
way it was…
way it is…
always be …
key to me …
time the place…
is that space…
is no time…
this place.
The chance to
redeem is coming. The letting go of past wrongs has now been
achieved. This is the time for the seeking of knowledge being offered
by one and all. This is your time. Take it and run with it for the
time has long been open for what is to come. The future as has
been set for too long by closed minds, is not the future that
has or ever will be foreseen by anyone.
This is the future. The present of here, today, is the now. The future is now and now is where it all comes down to it.
FREEDOM (2000)
of mind, of spirit, of soul,
freedom is what its meant to be,
freedom from life as was foreseen.
not the life as first perceived,
levels of life that have always been
way to be what could we see
nothing but clouds for us to see
winds of change the winds there are
like a person wishing upon a star…
much too much
slow down now…
answers are needed for that is how
knowledge is great, its all there is,
what it is and has always been,
key to what will be…will be.
the mind and set yourself free
what will be, will certainly be,
Be what
you always wanted to be.
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