Some things about Spirituality and Consciousness
What is Spirituality ?
The time is ripe for spirituality to come to the fore. Come out of the
closet and show the world what you are capable of. Spirituality
is the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. People will
not hate eachother for they will all be there for eachother to help in
anyway necessary. Life will no longer be a struggle for people ....for
they would have learnt to achieve inner peace by looking deep within themselves.
The concept of Spirituality is the feeling of peacefulness within.
The way the world is heading now it will self destruct unless people decide
on what they know deep within is true. Everyone has the capability
to open there minds and use what is naturally there by birthright. When
all people learn to open there minds and listen to there inner voice then
and only then will peace reign supreme upon this planet. Negative
thoughts are not the way to cope. The mind must be opened to perceive
the true grasp of spirituality. To open the mind you must flush out
negative thoughts and replace with positive thought. Your mind must
work so as to open it more and to enhance more. You should always fill
your mind with beautiful things. The thought is so strong, the thought
is meant to be that thought. Spirituality is being calm within
yourself. To love yourself and forgive yourself and others for there
is no word called revenge. What goes around comes around. So
always keep that thought in mind for the revenge you sometimes want can
really hurt so as always turn a blind eye.
New Zealand, 1996
Forgive past ventures for they will cloud your mind. Forgive people that have wronged you for they shall see there wrong. Forgive people that have destroyed your hope for there is a rainbow for all to see. Amends is forgiving and it doesn’t hurt if you do. Everything in this world is connected from the littlest insect to the largest animal. They are all here for a reason. The way people believe in spirituality is that everyone has a lesson to learn. The same goes for animals and insects. The evolutionary travels of the human race has gone from earth to another universe. For people to learn there lessons they must experience everything life has to offer whether it be sadness, happiness, pain, suffering and finally death, which is the release from this lifetime. If lessons to be learnt have been missed in that lifetime they will be learnt in the next ones. Eventually the spirit will end up in the spirit world to help guide the next generation for the completion of there lessons. Keep learning about yourself. Learn to read between the lines and analyse anything you read. Take only what is required to help you on your journey. Look in the past for answers to guide you on the right road to the future for the answers are in the past and the questions are in the future. Life is a mystery but not one you cant unravel if you dig hard and deep enough.
New Zealand, 1996
I AM ALL THAT YOU ARE...... NO MORE....NO LESS (the god complex)
The knowledge required by many to fly on through is being misused and
abused.. The god we may call it...we are all great within
YES!!!! BUT !!! in saying this we must remember that no one of us is any
greater than the next person...we are all the same...I say to those of
you who have let the ego rule over your path and given into it the following...if
you abuse LOSE IT!!!!!!!!
You are ALL great, you are ALL GODS...but not one of you is any greater
or has any better path to the GOD you seek than is within each and every
human BE-ING on this planet..for each to find there way one must follow
there own path from within...the time for TEACHERS is past the time for
SELF learning is well and truly here....forget those who would put themselves
above others as the right path to spiritual enlightenment for they have
no more knowledge than the ordinary man standing next to them in the street.....all
they have is opened the door to that knowledge...something ANYONE can and
will do when the time is right....
New Zealand, 10. Januar 2000
The time of clarity is fast approaching,
many will be enlightened on the highest level... many will also fear what
is to be seen for what will be shown as always will be exact... and once
this perception is realised the path for each of you will once again be
set...for the time of great change is here...the time of enlightenment
is now coming.. the time to see is here now!!!!!
Mother Nature will be seen in all
her glory for the purification of this planet has just begun and much more
is to be shown... this is just the beginning for the power of Nature to
show its full force... much more is in store for all to be shown....
The power of the planet to rejuvenate has
only just started ... momentum is gathering as has been seen already...
the climate and weather patterns are starting to change... more major
changes are on the horizon... the sun will shine brightly ...the wind will
blow .... the snow will fall... but not as has always been, and not where
it has always been, mild summers, harsher longer winters are in store for
the planet... this is the power required to heal all that has been taken
from this earth... too much has been taken and now is the time for nature
to take back what is right fully hers...
The power of the Universe will now be shown...
the need to embrace the changes is now here... perception upon perception
is what is required to see what there is to see..... the time is now and
we are now....
New Zealand, 10. Januar 2000
Physical Awareness
Physical keeps the spiritual from alot of what should be taken in. As
has been asked....does the information come in more if your physical mind
is not clogged up with physical things. In saying this the object
of information received is to enlighten and teach about the spiritual and
physical side.
Right now the spiritual couldn’t exist on your dimension without the
physical to harness the energy coming through.
Without need for the spiritual ..the physical is not to exist for the
spiritual keeps the physical going.
New Zealand, 1996
Time is happening now and then. There is no past and there is no future. The dimension you are now on is the physical dimension. We are in the spiritual dimension. This dimension is not so much parallel with yours but it is in the same physical space and time but spiritually. We are existing on the physical plane as you but we can only be seen with the third eye. The third eye holds more than you realise. You need to train more and by doing so the colours will have more depth. There are messages within the colours there is more to see than you realise. The time to believe deeper has come. There are colours within colours. The messages there are more in depth and have a deeper meaning than you know.
New Zealand, 1996
Alle Texte (c) 1996 oder (c) 2000 by Marina Johnson (sunluv)